Hawaii Education Association Scholarships
Scholarship Sponsored by Hawaii Education Association
The mission of the Hawaii Education Association Scholarship Fund is to support the educational endeavors of Hawaii educators, HEA members, and their dependents to shape their future to reach their full potential.
HEA offers a slate of scholarships for public school teachers, administrators, educational assistants, student teachers, college students, and graduating high school seniors. These scholarships assist current and future teachers with professional development and achieving college degrees. HEA has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars to hundreds of scholarship recipients in the teaching profession. Our goal is to help you become the best that you can be.
Graduating High School Seniors
Scholarship Requirements and Procedures
Two scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each are awarded to graduating high school seniors who will enroll in any two- or four-year state or nationally accredited institution of higher learning (preference will be given to those in preK-12 teaching) in the 2025-2026 academic year. This scholarship is open only to HEA members, children of HEA members, or grandchildren or legally adopted grandchildren of HEA members. Members must be in good standing and shall have been members for at least one year.
Employees, officers and directors of HEA, and their immediate family members and individuals living in the same household (whether related or not) of such employee, officer or director are not eligible to apply.
In-Service Public School Educators
Scholarship Amount: $2,000
For tenured and/or permanent Hawaii State Department of Education pre-K – 12 teachers, school administrators, or educational assistants, HEA offers scholarships to support study or training.
Ronald K. Toma Professional Development
Scholarship Amount: Varies
For tenured Hawaii State Department of Education pre-K – 12 teachers and school administrators, HEA offers scholarships to support those pursuing enrichment opportunities and professional learning.
Student Teachers
Scholarship Amount: $2,000
For student teachers intending to teach in the Hawaii State Department of Education, HEA and the family of Helen McKay have established a Student Teacher Scholarship to minimize the need for employment during the student teaching semester.
Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita Undergraduate College Students
Scholarship Amount: $2,000
For full-time undergraduate students majoring in education and intending to teach in a Hawaii public school, HEA is pleased to offer the Hiroshi & Barbara Kim Yamashita HEA Scholarship to assist with college.
Continuing College Students
Scholarship Amount: $1,000
HEA offers college scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a career in education.
Go to Scholarship Application